Application software is a computer program or a suite of computer
programs that performs a particular function for the user. Application software includes all programs that perform specific tasks such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, e-mail and Web browsing
A software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web.
Word Processing
Word Processing an office application that enables user to create, edit, format and print textual document.
A program that processes information in the form of tables. Tables cells can hold values or mathematical formula.
An application software that allows a user to create visual aid for presentation to communicate ideas, messages and other information to a group.
Graphics Editing
Program that can edit digital representation or non-text information such as drawing, charts and photograph.
A word processing program is an office application that enables users to create, edit, format and print textual documents. It also offers commands that enables users to format a document so that they can create an attractive appearance.
- creating and editing document
- defining the size of paper on which to print and specifying the margin
- changing the shape and size of characters
- organising texts in newsletter-style columns
- incorporating many types of graphical images
- typing words in a paragraph continually without processing the ENTER key at the end of each line
- reviewing the spelling of a document (spelling checker)
- inserting header and footer in a document
- drawing tables of any size or shape
A spreadsheet is a program that processes information in the form of grid of columns and rows. It is also called a table. Table cells can hold values or mathematical formulas. Spreadsheets are indispensable tools for anyone who works with numbers.
- creating, editing and formatting worksheet in rows and columns
- containing formulas which can perform calculations on the data in the worksheet
- making charts, which depicts the data graphically such as column charts or pie charts
- what-if analysis, the ability of recalculating the rest of the worksheet when data in a worksheet changes.
A presentation software enables users to create transparencies, slides and handouts for presentation. It allows a user to create visual aids for presentation to communicate ideas, messages and other information to a group.
- providing a variety of predefined presentation formats that define the complementary colours for backgrounds, text and graphical accents on the slides
- providing a variety of layouts for each individual slide such as a title slide, a two-column slide and a slide with clip art, a picture, a chart, a table or animation
- enhancing text, charts and graphical images on a slide with 3-D and other special effects such as shading, shadows and textures
- setting the slide timing so that the presentation automatically displays the next slide after a preset delay
- applying special effects to the transition between each slide
- inserting images, video and audio clips
Graphics editing is a program that can edit digital representation or non-text information such as drawings, charts or photographs.
- drawing pictures, shapes and other graphical images with various on-screen tools such as a pen, brush, eyedropper and paint bucket
- modifying the contrast and brightness of an image
- cropping unwanted objects
- removing “red eye”
- adding special effects such as shadows and glows
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