Tuesday 3 April 2012

Computer Ethics and Legal Issues : Internet Filtering Process

It is our responsibility to ensure that the teenagers are protected from these corruptions of the mind by filtering access to the Internet. Internet filtering is a process that prevents or blocks access to certain materials on the Internet.

It is our responsibility to ensure that the teenagers are protected from
these corruptions of the mind by filtering access to the Internet.

What is Internet filtering?
Internet filtering is a process that prevents or blocks access to certain
materials on the Internet. Filtering is most commonly used to prevent
children from accessing inappropriate material and to keep employees
productive on the Internet.

Controlling access to the internet by means of filtering software has become a growing industry in Malaysia and elsewhere. Its use has increase as the mandatory response to the current plague of society, namely internet pornography, politically incorrect site, hatred, violence, hate and in general anything viewed to be unpleasant or threatening. 

The current preferred method of choice to limit access on the Internet is to filter content either by:
  • keyword blocking
  • site blocking
  • web rating systems
These methods require software to be installed at a client of server level.

One of the strategies is by using the keyword blocking method. This method uses a list of banned words or objectionable terms.

As the page is downloading, the filter searches for any of these words. If found, it will block the page completely, stop downloading the page, block the banned words and even shut down the browser.

  • software company maintains a list of ‘dubious Internet sites’
  • the software prevents access to any sites on this list
  • ‘denial lists’ regularly updated
  • some software provides control over what categories of information you block
  • Who decides what goes on the ‘denial list’ and what criteria are they using?
  • can you keep track of the whole of the Internet?
  • filters can use both site blocking and word blocking

Web sites are rated in terms of nudity, sex, violence and language. The Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSACI) is responsible for the rating of the websites on the content on the internet.


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